Chicano Manifesto or Chicano Rage
I bought Armando B. Rendón's Chicano Manifesto (1971) hoping to better understand why, when and how the Chicana liberation movement came to distance itself from the Chicano movement. The book genuinely failed to meet my expectations. What I discovered in fact, under some reviewer's promise of it being "the first book written by a Chicano to give vibrant expression to the spirit of a cultural revolution", was a book of hatred, propaganda and semi-misogyny.
Since I'm on the what almost seems impossible endeavour to write a thesis on Chicana literature, I am one of the fewest people I know who understands and empathizes with both the Chicana and Chicano struggle of being heard and respected; of being, full stop. Yet, my empathy stopped when I encountered Rendón's rage. I do understand the rage, but I truly think that it is not in the best interest of humanity to answer oppression with hatred, violence and propaganda.
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